How to Keep Your Lawn Looking Healthy

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Tree Location: How To Keep Your Lawn Healthy

For many homeowners, growing a lush green lawn is a yearly goal. Great care and thought are put into fertilizing, watering, and mowing during the spring and summer months. Some homeowners also look for other ways to improve their landscape and choose to plant trees in their yard. Whether it’s to improve lawn appearance, add shade, welcome wildlife, or to add a focal point, the tree location can impact the lawn’s health.

Before settling on a location for a new tree, follow these 6 tree planting tips to help keep your lawn healthy.

  1. Purpose of the tree.
    Before you decide on the type of tree you’d like or where to plant it, you need to determine its purpose. Do you want to add color to your yard? Privacy? Shade? Once you know why you want to add a tree, you can use this information to help make the rest of the decisions and keep your lawn healthy.
  2. Test soil conditions.
    The ground in your yard is made up of more than just dirt. It also has its unique makeup of nutrients, pH, and organic matter. A soil test provides a breakdown of information, helping owners pick better fertilizers and plant types. In addition to the chemical components, a test can analyze its physical attributes. Is the soil claylike, moist, or extremely loose?
  3. Pick the right type of tree.
    Unless you have a few acres of lawn to work with, it is imperative that you choose the right type of tree regarding its size and ongoing care needs. Consideration should be given to soil test results as well. Not all trees will grow well in all types of soil. Discuss the components of your soil with an arborist, so that you can pick the best tree for your property.
  4. Consider the impact of shade.
    No matter the size of the tree, it will create a shaded area around the tree base as broad as the branches and foliage. Warm weather grasses that we typically see in New Jersey don’t do well in excessive amounts of shade. They usually require six hours of sunlight and too much shade can cause the grass under the tree to die or turn brown.
  5. Plan for tree root growth.
    A tree’s roots are often forgotten about because initially they are small and after planting, they can’t be seen. Before picking a spot to plant a tree, consider that it will need room for the roots to continue growing, not just for now, but also 30 years from now. Choose a space away from the house, garden, and any other structures to avoid potential damage as the tree and roots will grow larger and longer.
  6. Create a dry weather plan.
    Some summers in New Jersey can be dry, and trees will soak up any moisture in the ground before the grass. Create a plan now to water the grass around the tree and avoid damage during dry weather.

Proper tree and shrub care are a year-round activity that Perennial Lawn Care can help you with. Contact our office today for additional information.

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