Horsefly Prevention 101

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Horsefly Prevention: What Attracts Them?

Summer is in full swing! For most New Jersey residents, spending time outdoors is usually the ultimate goal. If you are one of the lucky ones, you have a beautiful backyard and are planning to spend days and nights by the pool, grilling your favorite foods, and making memories with your family. The last thing you need to worry about is backyard pests, especially horseflies. These pests are more than a common annoyance; they can completely ruin your fun with one bite. However, there are some great horse fly prevention techniques you can implement now to avoid their presence.


What is a Horsefly?

Horseflies are a common breed of flies. Unlike houseflies, these pests are known to bite. They have sharp, scissor-like mouths, strong enough to break the skin and draw blood. Horseflies resemble the traditional honey bee; they are yellowish-brown or black, covered with hairs, and have a large head. They tend to be more prevalent in humid conditions and are seen most often near beaches, lakes, and pools. Horseflies are attracted to dark, mobile objects, and carbon dioxide.


Once a bite occurs, the skin gets red and itchy. Horsefly bites are likely to get infected because they take a substantial amount of time to heal.


Eight Horsefly Prevention Techniques for Home


Everybody should have a summer to remember, so we’ve put together our best tips below for preventing and getting rid of horseflies in your backyard.

1. Use disposable fly traps.

There are several types of disposable fly traps available today, including sticky fly paper and bag traps. Flypaper is okay to hang in areas where you spend a lot of time. Bag traps should be set up further away from gathering areas because they are quite odoriferous in character.

2. Use permanent traps.

In addition to disposable traps, other more permanent options are effective. Light traps can attract horseflies, zapping them once there’s contact. These are most effective during the evening. Traps specifically made for horseflies are another great option, consisting of moving elements to attract them. Once the horsefly lands on it, they are exterminated by a hot metal element. These work especially well during the day as they are solar powered.

3. Wear light-colored clothing.

Which clothes you wear won’t prevent horseflies from making a home in your backyard, but lighter colored clothing will help deter bites, as they are more attracted to darker fabrics.

4. Use pesticides or chemicals.

Pesticides help keep horseflies away. Choose one that contains pyrethroids, as these are safe to use around children and animals. Don’t limit treatment to a specific area. For best results, you should treat the entire property.

5. Mow often.

Mowing is a great way to keep weeds and grass from growing too tall and collecting moisture, which will usually attract horseflies.

6. Clean up the mess.

There is a reason why flies often surround overfilled trash cans in the summertime. Flies love food and are attracted to its smell. Be sure to remove food and trash from the area once mealtime is finished to avoid welcoming a swarm of horseflies.

7. Cover the pool when not in use.

If you have a pool, cover it when it’s not being used. The water will attract horseflies otherwise.

8. Contact a professional.

A local pest control company may be the best way to adequately treat for horseflies and prevent them from making a home in your backyard. Insect control companies are well versed on various types of backyard pests, and which types of treatments are necessary for horsefly prevention.


Perennial Lawn Care can help treat your backyard for potential lawn pests. Contact our office today to learn how!

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