Common Composting Myths

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6 Composting Myths Revealed

There is no denying that the environment is changing. From replacing SUV’s with electric cars to only buying products made from recycled materials, many individuals are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint in their daily activities. There are many things people can do to help lessen their negative impact on the environment at home, and composting is one of them. Even though more individuals are looking for ‘go green” initiatives to take part in, not everybody understands the real value in composting and its positive impact on the environment.

Composting is a lot easier than you think. It’s a valuable way to encourage plant growth in your backyard while reducing waste. If you’re not sure if it is for you, it may be because of one of the numerous composting myths we’ve outlined below.

Here are six composting myths you can finally put to rest.

It’s not easy.

Composting may be different from anything you’ve done before, but once you learn the process, it’s very straightforward. You can compost many kitchen scraps and organic materials. Just understand, things like tea bags, coffee filters, meat, and fish scraps are out. Once you know the do’s and don’ts, it’s easy.

It attracts pests.

The last thing any homeowner wants is to invite flies and other backyard pests into their yard. If you avoid certain products like meat scraps and dairy, collect your scraps in an enclosed pail, and use an enclosed composter, you likely won’t attract unwanted pests or rodents.

It smells awful.

Compost only emits a smell when it is too wet or has too much nitrogen. If you follow the guidelines on how to compost correctly, awful smells won’t happen.

It requires a lot of space.

Composting usually consists of collecting scraps indoors in a pail designed for composting and having an area set aside outdoors for the actual composting. The outdoor space doesn’t have to be significant. Some individuals prefer to buy composters while others build their own compost pits using recycled skids.

You need worms.

Indoor composting does require adding worms, but outdoor composting doesn’t. Earthworms will find their way naturally to the compost pile and aid in the process of breaking down the organic materials.

It is the same as fertilizer.

If you plan to use compost in place of fertilizer, do your research. Compost does contain several nutrients that plants need to thrive and grow. However, there may not be enough nutrients, and sometimes adding fertilizer is necessary. Annual soil tests can uncover what nutrients the dirt needs, determining if fertilizer is needed.

Composting helps to create nutrient-rich soil that allows grass, plants, and trees to grow better and establish healthy roots. If you have questions about your lawn care needs, contact Perennial Lawn Care today!

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