How to Shovel Snow

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9 Easy Tips on How to Shovel Snow

Some people enjoy the snow while others prefer the warmth of staying indoors. However, when the snow arrives, homeowners will likely spend some time outdoors, shoveling driveways and walkways. Shoveling can take a toll on the body, causing backaches and sore muscles for days. There is more to it than moving the snow from the driveway to a nearby pile.

Tips on How to Shovel Snow

Prepare in advance for the next snowfall with these tips on how to shovel snow.

Prepare before you walk outside.

Shoveling snow is a physical activity that can burn as many calories as a workout. Prepare before you head outside with stretches and warmups to get the blood flowing and your muscles primed. It’s also important to dress in layers so you can remove them when needed.

Choose the right shovel.

While metal shovels are sturdy, they are also heavy and can increase the stress on your arms and back. Opt for an ergonomically designed plastic shovel, one that will help with lifting, lessening the need to strain your back.

Push, don’t lift.

If you struggle to lift the shovel with snow, try to push the snow instead. Pushing snow puts less strain on your body and helps limit soreness or injury.

Don’t shovel twice.

Shoveling the same snow twice is poor planning and puts unnecessary strain on your body. Make a plan before you start to shovel on where you want to pile snow and what path to take.

Be mindful of your lawn.

Underneath that beautiful white layer, is the lawn that you worked so hard to care for all summer. It can be challenging to know where the driveway ends, and the grass starts after a snowfall. Proceed carefully with the shovel when near the edge of the driveway. If any sod is accidentally moved, replace it as quickly as possible. Markers could help you identify where your driveway ends, and your lawn starts.

Pile snow in the right spot.

Pick a spot for snow piles that is out of the way of where cars drive and park, so it doesn’t fall back into the path. It is also recommended not to make big piles of snow on the grass. Snow is heavy and piling too much on top of the grass can suffocate or damage it.

Add some snow to flower beds.

Snow is also a good insulator that can be used as a winter mulch. Spread snow around shrubs and plants. It will help protect them and keep the roots warm underneath.

Brush snow off branches.

If you notice snow on shrubs or tree branches, brush it off to prevent breakage.

Build a windbreak.

Snow can also be piled along property lines and fences to create a windbreak in the yard. This is especially helpful if you have plants that are being damaged by wind gusts.

Winter may prevent your grass from growing, but lawn care is still important! Follow these tips on how to shovel snow to help keep your lawn and property in tip top shape come spring. For more information on customized lawn programs, contact Perennial Lawn Care today!

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