Know When to Aerate and Overseed

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Fall Maintenance: When To Aerate And Overseed Your Lawn

As we hold on to these last few weeks of summer, we can’t help but think of what’s to come. The leaves begin to change, the air starts to cool, and we slowly begin to prepare for the wonders of fall. After a blissfully sunny summer, our lawns may have seen their fair share of wear and tear. Ample outdoor activities and the hot sun may have had some effects on your lush green grass.

Fortunately, a season change with the right maintenance means you are adequately preparing your lawn to be the best it can be for the following summer. Core aeration and overseeding are a sure-fire way to make sure your beautiful yard returns like clockwork, year after year. And knowing when to aerate is half the battle. So, let’s explore some of the main benefits of core aeration and overseeding in the fall.

Overseeding benefits in the fall

  1. It helps to resist disease.
    Depending on your turf type – overseeding your lawn using a nice blend of different kinds of grass seed can help your lawn withstand common diseases and insect infestations. The combination of seeds will give you balanced growth and protection.
  2. It helps to improve conditions quickly.
    Within a matter of 7-10 days, you will notice results. Any rough spots or bare areas from fungus, animals, or insects from the summer months will germinate before your eyes.
  3. It helps to fight weeds.
    Both core aeration and overseeding give your lawn a fighting chance when it comes to weed growth. Crabgrass and broadleaf weeds love to flourish in open patches on your yard. By keeping your grass lush, there’s little room for weed germination.

Core aeration benefits in the fall

  1. It helps to enhance germination.
    Core aeration allows seeds to find their way to the place where they will thrive most. These growth zones welcome more air circulation and water – two conditions that help overseeding do its job.
  2. It helps to reduce thatch.
    Layers and layers of dead and living stems, roots, and blades are built up over the warmer months. As a little amount is okay, a lot of it is not. Over half-inch thick – thatch is a breeding ground for disease and insects. The plugs from aeration help the thatch to decompose quicker, maintaining healthier levels for your lawn.
  3. It helps to reduce compaction.
    Circulating air, water, and root movement are ideal conditions for lush grass growth. Core aeration softens your soil by allowing it to expand and relax. Essential nutrients and water are quickly accessible to maintain your lawn’s health, even if resources are low.

Are you giving your yard everything it needs to grow and thrive upon summer’s return? The experts at Perennial Lawn Care are well-versed in lawn care, pest control, and lawn treatments. If you’re unsure where to begin with your lawn – contact us to schedule an appointment today!

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