Flooded Trees in the Summer

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Why Flooded Trees Need Quick Solutions

New Jersey often sees plenty of rain in the springtime. Rain is necessary to help plants, grass, and trees grow, but it can also be harmful when there’s too much of it. Heavy rainfall in a short amount of time can cause flooding as the ground becomes over saturated. Trees can be impacted by excessive rain as well, requiring quick attention to minimize the adverse effects. Learn how to manage flooded trees and why time is crucial with our favorite tips outlined below.

Why is too Much Water Harmful?

While trees need water to survive, too much water can lead to their demise, causing the tree to become unhealthy and unsightly. Once the soil surrounding the tree is flooded, the nitrogen supply starts to decrease in as little as an hour. Nitrogen is another crucial nutrient that trees also need to survive.

Low nitrogen can result in stunted tree growth, discoloration of leaves, the inability to bloom, loss of proteins, and little chlorophyll production. In addition, tree roots will eventually die, causing the tree’s life to come to an end prematurely.

Save Flooded Trees

Fortunately, there are options for homeowners to save flooded trees. The first step is to pay attention to the state of your backyard during and after excessive rainfall. Take a walk around the property to look for flooding, taking these steps to maintain their livelihood of your trees.

  1. Vertical Mulching
    Vertical mulching is a technique used to relieve soil compaction near trees and their roots. The process utilizes a power drill, an auger bit, fertilizer, and compost. Start by drilling holes near the tree a few inches wide and a foot in depth. Add two inches of fertilizer to the holes and add compost to fill the gap in its entirety. This process releases nitrogen back into the soil, providing the trees with the necessary nutrient.
  2. Deep Root Fertilization
    Deep root fertilization combines slow release fertilizer with additional nutrients necessary to aid a tree in a sprayer. The combination is then pumped into the ground using a device known as a feeder probe. For best results, aim to spray between six and eight inches below the ground. By spraying the fertilizer directly into the ground, you are releasing nitrogen near the deep roots, giving the tree a better chance at survival.
  3. Target Nitrogen Technique
    Another method is through a target nitrogen technique, where homeowners can send a soil sample for review to the New Jersey Agricultural department. They conduct tests on the soil and submit a report of the exact nutrients lacking in the soil. This gives you the prescription for the right combination of nutrients and fertilizer that the tree needs to thrive.
  4. Pay Attention
    Be sure to pay attention to the trees and how they respond to any of these techniques after the flooding disappears.

If you are looking for assistance with tree and lawn care, contact Perennial Lawn Care today for more information on available programs!

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