Tick and Mosquito Bites are on the Rise in the Northeast this Summer

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Tick and Mosquito Bites are on the Rise in the Northeast this Summer

Tick and Mosquito Bites are on the Rise in the Northeast this Summer

Summer is a time to enjoy the warm weather with sports, barbecues, and outdoor activities. It is also the time residents in Northern New Jersey are most at risk for tick and mosquito bites. 2018 is shaping up to be full of concern with reports of tick and mosquito bites tripling between 2004-2016 according to the CDC who encourages adults and children to protect themselves with repellent. While repellent is necessary, it isn’t the solution to fully safeguard your family from bites.

Tick and mosquitoes flourish in warm summer temperatures often camping out in your yard before attacking individuals and family pets. To properly protect your family and minimize tick and mosquito bites, you need a mosquito and tick control plan that works.

Here are four tips to minimize mosquito and ticks in your yard:

Mow and trim your lawn regularly

Ticks and mosquitoes look for homes in places they can hide like tall grass and weeds. The easiest way to prevent both from making a habitat in your yard is to mow weekly, trim weeds, and keep bushes and shrubs well groomed. The fewer places they have to hide, the less chance you’ll find yourself fighting them off when you go for a backyard stroll.

Skip excessive watering

Pests like ticks and mosquitoes love moisture and wet lawns. They need water to breed and look for shady, wet spots they can make their nests. Watering your lawn may sound like a great way to keep it green and full of life, but too much water is like a pest magnet.

Inspect for standing water

Just like watering can attract pests, so can standing water. Homeowners should inspect their property occasionally to make sure there is no standing water from drainage issues or forgotten about debris. Other areas to check for standing water include kiddie pools, flower pots, and holes.

Contact a professional lawn care company

While each of these steps will help make your lawn less inviting, it doesn’t guarantee to keep ticks and mosquitoes away. To fully control ticks and mosquitoes, you should contact a professional lawn care company that can offer treatments year-round. These treatments minimize breeding and population so you can spend more time enjoying your lawn and less time dreading it.

New Jersey offers the perfect habitat for these creatures and residents should prepare now. While you can’t control the reasons for the spike in bites like warmer and longer summers and more deer, the steps above will help you manage them.

Are you ready to get a tick and mosquito control program in place? Perennial Lawn Care is prepared to help Northern New Jersey homeowners protect their yard and their families from mosquito and tick bites. Contact our team today at 973-423-1500 or fill out our online form to schedule your estimate.

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