Tree Care Checklist

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9 Tree Care Tips & Tricks For Spring

Now that the trees are beginning to bud and blossom, the dreary winter months are beginning to feel like a distant memory. Spring is the perfect season to spend more time outdoors, enjoying the tranquility that your backyard has to offer. Many of us are fully engaged in landscaping, lawn care, and planting flowers – yet paying attention to the condition of backyard trees is often overlooked. Yearly tree care is essential to creating a beautiful and colorful landscape.

In New Jersey, tree care begins with assessing the damage caused during the brittle winter months. Here are our top tips for caring for trees and setting them up to flourish throughout the summer months.

Tree Care Tips

Assess the health of trees.

An annual inspection at the beginning of spring is a great way to assess a tree’s health. Look for signs of dead or rotted wood, insect damage, and frostbite. If you are unsure how damage may impact the life of the tree, contact a tree specialist.

Make sure they have water.

Grass and flowers are not the only things that require water in the backyard. Trees also need adequate water to enable growth. Check the soil four to six inches under the grass to make sure it is damp. If you use irrigation systems, check that they are working correctly at this time and make adjustments to how much water is dispersed as necessary. Trees younger than two years old need water every ten to fourteen days and older trees every two to four weeks.

Prune trees.

It is critical that dead limbs are pruned each year to allow for new growth.

Rake away leaves.

While leaves add a lot of nutrients to the ground, they are also a breeding ground for disease and destructive pests. Rake away any leaves left over from the fall to prevent any disease from taking hold of neighboring trees.

Remove nearby weeds.

Weeds can also be destructive to trees because they inhibit the water and nutrient supply. Remove weeds from the base of the tree or treat your lawn to prevent weed germination from occurring.

Replenish mulch.

Mulch protects the soil under the tree, preventing it from getting too hot and keeping moisture contained. Apply two to four inches of mulch around the base of the tree during the spring months.

Check the soil.

Conducting an annual soil test can measure the pH levels of nitrate and other nutrients in the ground. Homeowners can use this to determine how much fertilizer to apply to the lawn to help encourage tree growth.

Fertilize when necessary.

Not every fertilizer is created the same, and if your ground needs fertilizer, it is best to work with a lawn care specialist that can guide you to choose the right one.

Pay attention.

Proper tree care doesn’t end when this checklist is finished. It is important to pay attention to trees throughout the year and look for signs of disease and insects. The earlier a problem is noticed, the easier it is to treat and prevent serious damage.

Perennial Lawn Care helps homeowners with proper tree and lawn care treatments. Contact our office to schedule a consultation today!

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