Winter Storm Preparation

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Getting Your Home Ready for a Winter Storm

If you’re living in the northeast, you will typically experience at least one or two severe storms during the winter. Winter storms in New Jersey often include snow, ice, freezing rain, wind, and whiteout conditions. One of the biggest concerns that homeowners should have is the potential for power outages, which often occur because of too much weight on power lines from snow and ice. Winter storms can also limit travel and commuting to and from work, forcing many residents to remain at home when the weather is too severe.

Steps to Take Before a Winter Storm Arrives

It is important to take some winter weather safety precautions and make sure your home is ready before a storm arrives. Here are six tips to make sure you are prepared for this winter’s big storm, or two.

Winterize the home.

Winterizing a house is the best way to keep the cold out and energy bills down. A few tasks that every homeowner should consider in the fall and early winter include, insulating the attic, checking basements for cracks and holes to the exterior, putting plastic over windows, flushing the hot water heater, and changing fans to turn clockwise.

Buy supplies.

Buying supplies early helps assure that you have everything you need when a storm arrives. Gas for the snowblower, salt or sand to prevent icy conditions, and warm winter weather clothes are all necessities during this season. Now is also a good time to inspect/purchase new snow shovels.

Have an emergency plan in place.

Power outages are common this time of year. Depending on the severity, some outages last only a few hours, while others can last for days. Families should create an emergency plan that details what steps they will take if a power outage or damage to their home occurs to ensure they have a safe place to stay.

Create an emergency kit.

While emergency kits are typical in southern states that commonly experience hurricanes, houses in the northeast should also have one on hand. Emergency kits should include flashlights, batteries, bottled water, non-perishable food items, heat packs, and lanterns.

Clear gutters and walkways.

Ice dams often occur after winter storms, and even though the icicles are pretty to look at, they can cause severe damage to a house. Clear gutters now to assure snow and ice won’t block and refreeze in the gutter. Walkways should also be cleared of items to make snow removal easier. 

Have your heating system inspected.

Finally, now is a good time to have your heating system cleaned and inspected by a professional. Spiders, mice, and dirt can find their way inside of these systems throughout the other seasons, causing the most significant issues in the winter. Having it serviced can prevent any outages mid-storm.

It may be prime time for snow now, but we know spring will eventually return. Once it does, know you can count on Perennial Lawn Care for all of your lawn treatment needs.

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